For 91 Days Updates

And a Podcast is Born

Dear Followers,

As you're probably aware, our blog For 91 Days has been largely silent since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, and you might be wondering what we have been up to! Well, for a few years, we were stranded at home in Valencia, Spain. Valencia isn't exactly a bad place to be stuck, but we still had crazy cabin fever. We used this time to focus on ourselves, to strengthen friendships, to replenish our savings, and to make plans for the future.

We've always considered our project, For 91 Days, to be basically just an expensive hobby. But looking back on the amount of content we've produced -- 2000+ articles published since 2010 and over 60,000 photos posted online -- we realized that the site has a lot of potential. We had been so busy producing all this content, that we never spent any time trying to capitalize on it.

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